Livre en FRANCAIS !

Bonjour mes amis francophones ! Je suis très heureuse d’annoncer la sortie de la version française de mon livre « Crossing the Midline ». Vous cherchez des moyens amusants d’inciter les jeunes (ou les moins jeunes !) apprenants à être actifs et à croiser la ligne médiane ? Félicitations ! …

New Book “CROSSING THE MIDLINE: Dances, Activities and Exercises” OUT NOW!


My new book on CROSSING THE MIDLINE is finally out. I’ve been working a while on this. And I’m very proud.

It’s a resource for teachers, educators, occupational therapists, families… anyone interested in crossing the midline. It’s available on AMAZON in print or ebook versions.

Please check it out and share with anyone you think may be interested. Here’s a link…

Covid Kindie

Check out this fantastic collection of songs for kids, put together by the amazing Sagan! There’s a wide variety of covid related songs that are from all around the world. And sure enough, the list includes Sing Along With Tony! YAYYYY!!!!!!!


Yippee!! It’s taken a while, but finally my new album is out, released today. It’s a simple collection of my favourite classic nursery rhymes. Obviously, I’ve given them a special little Sing Along With Tony twist! Check out Incy Wincy Spider and Friends, she is joined by Quainty Dainty Ladybird, …