15 Days Until New Album Released!

Holy Guacamole!

Only 15 days now, until my new album “Nursery Rhymes” is officially released. YIPPPEEEE!!!!

It will be available on all the usual sites: iTunes, Amazon, Spotify etc and I’ll try to put links here on this website. It’s all go! I’m especially proud of the song “Incy Wincy Spider and Friends”. I’ve created new verses to include Incy’s friends Quainty Dainty Ladybird, Grumpy Plumpy Bumblebee and Dirty Gerty Cockroach. I think you’ll love these new characters. You can listen to the song already on YouTube if you can’t wait! A bientôt!

New album released 28th May!

Famous… in Waipā

The wonderful journos at the great Waipā Post have given me this awesome write up! Thanks Team Waipā! If you have any questions regarding the show or bookings feel free to contact me.

My first Children’s book!

Yipeee! I’ve finally finished and published my first children’s book. It’s been a long time coming. It’s a simple story about Sid the Spider, set in the bush of Aotearoa New Zealand. Sid likes adventure, a little too much. Fortunately, he has great friends like Wotwot the Huhu Bug, Dizzie Lizzie the Click Beetle and Gareth the Grasshopper who combine their skills to help Sid.

The amazing artwork is done by Coromandel based artist Malcomb Sowerby.

Available exclusively on Amazon, you can purchase the book here…

Little Pumpkin – EMOTIONS

Here’s me with my friend Little Pumpkin. He was curious about feelings and stuff, so we sang this song. I may be biased, but I think it’s BEAUTIFUL! What do you think? Leave a comment and tell me!

English Emotions Song for Children | Sing Along With Tony | Kids' Songs and Nursery Rhymes